WomenIkon Awards Nominations – 2022

WomenIkon is sponsoring an event on March 8th “International Women’s Day” to celebrate womanhood and History Month in March. Save the date and Join us as we recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of women and young leaders across the Seattle area.

Featuring Women’s felicitations, cultural, Traditional and Western fashion show, raffles, surprise gifts, entertainment by professional dancers, singers, Surprise elements with much more fun.

Cultural performances criteria::Group Dance or Singing performances open for Women and Girls.

Women Recognition Awards::
WomenIkon is proud to recognize and highlight women who have made significant contributions in their professional fields, to women’s causes, or community endeavors.Women from various industries who have made tremendous strides as leaders, pioneers as well as agents of positive change, touching every sphere of life and contributed immensely to the progress of the society. We invite you to nominate yourself or someone you know for consideration.

Criteria: Nominee must be a woman who lives in Seattle, WA.Nominations selected any of the previous years are not eligible to apply this year.

Tickets: Awardee Ticket $40,family or audience ticket $10 per person.

Selection: All nominees will be reviewed by the committee, which may select one or two individuals in each field as outstanding.

Presentation: The honorees will be acknowledged at a dinner sponsored by the WomenIkon on March 8th, 2020.

Award Categories:

Health/Wellness: Health Wellness/Medicine (Leader/Successful in the fields of healthcare, wellness,involvement in the physical, emotional and/or spiritual health and well-being of others).

Entrepreneurship: Business leader or leader in a professional trades – includes sales and marketing, entrepreneurs and leaders in innovative endeavors.

Fine Arts/Heritage:Passion for culture, development, preservation, patronage and/or promotion of the performing, visual, literary or multi-media arts and/or cultural heritage.

Banking/Finance: Banking and Finance(Banking, accounting, financial planning, investors, other finance-related business and those who contribute to the success of the financial industry.)

Research and Technology: Science-related field including pure and applied sciences, engineering and life sciences,technological, scientific, or health advancement through either research or application

Education/Mentor/Coach:Education(Leader in any level of education,employee development,philosophy or religion).

Community service: Community/Social causes(An outstanding individual who provided effective initiative to and pioneer meaningful change,source of strength and heart in community,and harness the time, talent and capacity of others.)

Government & Law:Legal Achievements/Immigration/people defender.

Environmental: Commitment to the preservation and improvement of our natural environment.

Athletics/Sports: Participate, coach and mentor, serving as an inspiration to others through our example and accomplishments, thereby enhancing the physical well-being.

Beauty/Pageants :Pageant winners/Artists for Hair, makeup, and skin care.

Versatile Talents:Dancers/Lawyers/Journalist/Technology Blends.

Women of Inspiration:Women of Inspiration( Incredible Mothers/Mother in Laws, from all walks of life and backgrounds).

Young Women of Excellence:Young Women(12-20 years)are recognized for achievements and commitments to education or lifelong learning; work or career; or community.A positive influence to peers.

Nomination form for women Recognition Awards is below, Dead line to submit nominations are Jan 31st2020.


Tickets can be purchased by Paypal with Paypal ID: [email protected], you will receive e ticket to your email after the payment.